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Terms of use and privacy policy

By using this website, you are accepting the following privacy conditions and the terms of use of this site:

Privacy Policy

By using this website, you are accepting the following privacy conditions:

Núvola Soluciones Tecnológicas is allowed the right to obtain information about the visits and use of this site, in order to obtain data for monitoring, statistics,  performance and improvements. The information will not be used to identify a particular visitor.


About the information provided through  contact forms.

If a visitor enters identification information in the forms provided for contact, he / she does so with knowledge of these terms and will not be able to declare ignorance about them.
Such information will be used solely for the purpose of providing the means for direct communication between Núvola and its clients or for the establishment of new commercial relationships. No information will be sold or disclosed to third parties or entities. However, visitor information and data provided through forms to this site may also be stored by the provider (s) of functions or services that Núvola uses to operate this site. This includes, but is not limited to, the site's hosting provider, appointment request and contact service, advertising, and others. The information privacy policies of these providers should be consulted by the visitor using the links that each provider places on the site.



terms of use

By using this website, you are accepting the following terms and conditions of use:

Núvola Soluciones Tecnológicas provides this website and the internal links and other external sites outside of Núvola in order to provide information about the services it provides, and to provide a means of communication between Núvola and its clients or potential clients. The visitor has the right to use the information or functions contained in this site for the same purpose explained above.

The visitor may not use the information or functions contained in this site for any other use, whether personal or commercial, nor is he allowed in any way to modify part or all of the information on the site or its  source code.

All content on the site is for use by Núvola for commercial purposes and is given without any guarantee or liability on the part of Núvola for other purposes not expressly stated.

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